Registration Wrestling 2024


Our goal is to give our youth wrestlers a sound conditioning program and teach safe and effective wrestling moves and techniques. Win or lose, we teach our wrestlers to be supportive of their teammates and respectful to their opponents. We teach our wrestlers to be proud and confident in their skills and abilities, raising their self-esteem.

Parents or guardians are expected to behave in a respectful and acceptable manner at all times. Parents and guardians are also required to volunteer their time during home matches for all event duties required.

"*" indicates required fields


NOTE: This form is required at the beginning of each sport season prior to any participation in practices or games.

Athlete's Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
(1st Initial, Last Initial, Last 4 digits of SS#) (Example for John Smith is JS6789)

This Undersigned, his / her heirs, executors, assigned successors and administrators hereby release and hold harmless the East Side Youth Center organization, and all coaches and officials of any activity sponsored by East Side Youth Center, and any official of any league which East Side Youth Center may become affiliated with, from any liability for any injury by the athlete while being transported to, or participating in any organizational activity.

All uniforms and returnable equipment issued by the East Side Youth Center will be returned, cleaned and in good condition, within seven (7) days after participation in the activity has ended during that season. Failure to comply will result in the loss of banquet, trophy and individual awards, and future participation privileges. Parents or guardians will be billed at the current market price for said uniforms and returnable equipment.

Parent/ Guardian Name*
Parent/ Guardian Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY